Don’t Rest On Your Laurels: Why You Should Continually Seek Client Referrals
You may be feeling really good about some big client settlements or jury awards you’ve achieved in the last six months. That’s great! Take time to celebrate and bask in your success. And while you’re at it remember to ask those clients to write a review of your law firm.
Contrarians Offer A Guarantee!!
I feel the chill in the air. You’re thinking, “Guaranteeing a lawyer’s services? You must be crazy.”
Sears built a retail empire on six words, “Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back.” Today, most online and offline retail stores and mail-order companies give you a prompt refund, exchange or credit for anything you buy that doesn’t meet your expectations.
This Politician’s Marketing Priorities May Surprise You, But They’re Bang On!
Four Compelling Reasons Why Lawyers Should Consider Starting A Podcast
Cultivating a reputation as a thought leader is the best form of legal marketing because it allows a lawyer to create a credible, authentic relationship with prospects and meet them where they are, which is online, in control, and searching for solutions to the challenges they face. As a consequence of putting thought leadership out into the marketplace of ideas, lawyers generate business development opportunities because they remain top-of-mind with their prospective clients.
Funeral Directors Don’t Refer Soft Tissue Cases!
Yes, even a Social Security practice can get referrals from funeral directors. Read on to find out how. Every area of practice can get referrals from funeral directors if you market properly to them.