Before You Go Searching for the Purple Pill…
One of the most frequently asked marketing questions that I see on lawyer list serves is some version of one of these: Which web company should I use? Or I’ve heard of ABC software to help with my marketing, is it any good?
11 Secrets Of Dignified Marketing For A Boutique Personal Injury Law Firm
SECRET #1: Identify the specific types of cases you want to attract. It isn’t hard to attract personal injury cases if you’re willing to accept anything that comes through the door. But if you want to target only certain types of cases, then invest the time to identify the cases you consider most desirable and the types of people you need to reach.
Baltimore lawyer’s newsletter offers marketing advice to plaintiffs’ lawyers
Steven H. Heisler is not shy about marketing his law practice. He used to have an SUV with with a giant advertisement for his firm, after all.
Recognizing that many plaintiffs’ attorneys may not know how to market their legal services, Heisler last month started a website,, and a weekly newsletter to share information about marketing, getting clients and other ways to have a profitable law business.
Physician Referrals
Every attorney wants more physician referrals. A few simple steps will help you increase the image you portray to doctors and eventually have them referring clients to you. If your practice is medical malpractice it gets more difficult but these steps will still help you obtain that occasional r
5 Simple Rules for Internet Mastery
Lawyer websites are virtually identical. The navigation menu is the same: the lawyers’ biographies, case results, practice areas…blah, blah, blah. You, my friend, are a commodity with a website that looks like every other lawyer website on the market. There is nothing that makes you stand out.