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By: Trey Ryder

SECRET #1: Identify the specific types of cases you want to attract. It isn’t hard to attract personal injury cases if you’re willing to accept anything that comes through the door. But if you want to target only certain types of cases, then invest the time to identify the cases you consider most desirable and the types of people you need to reach.

SECRET #2: Establish yourself as an authority. Psychology Professor Robert Cialdini (Arizona State University), in his book Influence, explains how people respond favorably and automatically when they view the other person as an authority. If your prospective clients perceive you as an authority, they will be drawn to you — and persuaded by you — at both the conscious and subconscious levels. So make sure you establish yourself as a trusted advisor.

SECRET #3: Give every client your written Guarantee of Unique Value. When you claim that your firm provides good service, you’re making an unsubstantiated claim. You must go further. I recommend that you guarantee and provide evidence in writing that your client will receive unique value from your firm, nothing like he has experienced before. And the focus of your guarantee should be what clients tell you is the primary reason they chose you, stay loyal to you, and refer their friends.

SECRET #4: Take full advantage of the media. Whether you buy media exposure (advertise) or get free editorial exposure (articles in print and online — and interviews on radio and TV), the media allow you to put your message in front of a staggering number of prospects. If you’ve tried using the media and didn’t get the response you wanted, you probably need to rework your message and change your approach. To get inquiries from the largest number of qualified prospects, make sure they can get what you offer without effort, pressure, hassle or commitment.

SECRET #5: Prospect for new clients by getting potential clients to identify themselves and then directing your marketing efforts only toward them. You could spend years — and countless dollars — trying to reach people who don’t need or want to hire your services. For efficient marketing, focus your efforts only on people who show their interest in what you offer. To identify prospects, use a marketing program that offers your prospects free information. Then, to get your information or fact kit, they call your office and give you their names and addresses. This allows you to target your efforts toward qualified prospects.

SECRET #6: Prospect for new clients by encouraging referrals from past clients.One of the cheapest and most effective ways to attract new clients is when they come to you by referral from former clients. When your past clients are pleased with your services, they act as your law firm’s ambassadors and send potential clients to you. Start by talking with former clients — perhaps conducting surveys — so you discover the primary reason past clients refer their friends to your firm. Once you discover this reason, feature it prominently in your marketing message.

SECRET #7: Prospect for new clients by developing new referral sources and marketing directly to them. Professionals who could send you referrals may not know you exist. Or they don’t know the types of cases you accept. Make sure you keep prospective referral sources up to date on the types of cases you want — your willingness to pay referral fees when appropriate — and your successes. Referral sources want to know that you’re actively representing new clients and getting excellent results, so make sure you share this important news.

SECRET #8: Establish yourself as a resource person for existing organizations that serve the clients you want to attract. For example, if you want to attract cases involving birth injuries, search your city and state for organizations that help victims of birth injuries. Then offer to serve as a resource person for those groups. Offer to speak at their meetings — write articles for their publications and web sites — help organize education programs. And so on.

SECRET #9: Form a non-profit organization to help people — and to meet prospects and families affected by the type of injury you want to attract. You can gain an amazing amount of positive publicity by starting a non-profit organization in your primary area of interest. This helps you increase visibility and build relationships with key people who can refer to you the injury cases you want. Also, as the group’s founder, you can serve as the organization’s spokesperson, which helps you build a highly visible, positive image in the community.

SECRET #10: Avoid selling-based marketing. When you use selling-based marketing, you take on the role of a salesperson hawking his wares. Immediately, prospects grow concerned that you’ll try to pressure them into doing something they may not want to do. Using selling-based marketing is a mistake because it causes prospective clients to question whether they can trust you. For the highest level of credibility and dignity, avoid selling-based marketing at all cost.

SECRET #11: Use The Ryder Method™ of Education-Based Marketing For Personal Injury Lawyers. When you use my innovative method, you promote your knowledge, not your services — and you never make any effort to sell. At every step in the process, you educate your prospect about his problem and the solutions you can provide. In addition, you explain what your prospect risks by allowing his problem to persist — and how your prospect benefits by acting now. Still, you never seek to gain a commitment until your prospect is ready to make a decision. My unique method of Education-Based Marketing brings you a high level of credibility and an ongoing flow of new clients and referrals. What’s more, it strengthens client loyalty and builds your image as an authority.

The Ryder Method™ of Education-Based Marketing is the marketing of today — and the marketing of the future. That’s why the American Marketing Association featured this innovative approach on the front page of its national publication, Marketing News. If you want to improve your marketing results, I encourage you to test this proven method.


About the Author:

Trey Ryder specializes in Education-Based Marketing  for lawyers. He has provided marketing services for lawyers  for 37 years. Trey offers three free articles: 7 Secrets of Dignified Marketing, Marketing  Secrets of Superstar Lawyers, 11 Brochure Mistakes Lawyers Make. To receive these articles, send your name and e-mail address to and ask for his free e-mail packet of articles.